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Guard hijacked ship
Dissatisfaction with the fact that he had not been paid for several months led an armed guard to hijack the 'Jeager' he had been hired to protect, on July 21, 2020. After three days of negotiations, the man could be convinced to lay down his weapon while the ship was in the Red Sea. Three armed guard came aboard the ship, and two, as is customary, handed their weapons to the captain, but the third guard did not hand over his weapon. Instead, he used it to take control of the ship, and change its course. His two colleagues did not participate in the hijacking. HThe guard did not directly threaten any crew members with his weapon But he fired on at least one occasion. The experts hired by the shipping company, he managed to persuade the guard to surrender after which he was taken into custody on Aug 1. The 'Jaeger' then resumed the planned voyage, and the security guard i was subsequently handed over to local authorities.
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