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Self discharger suffered bottom damage
The "Beltnes" which was the biggest ship to ever dock in Aberdeen between June 29 and July 1, 2019, sustained damage to its hull while in the city’s new harbour at the Bay of Nigg. As part of the extension works, the vessel had deliver some thousand tonnes gravel for the creation of the Dunnottar and Castlegate quays. The vessel was left berthed in the harbour for several days after scraping the bottom. The probe was still ongoing, the Maritime and Coastguard agency received a report from one of their Duty Surveyors on July 1 that the "Beltnes" had suffered hull damage on June 29 while inside the approach channel of Aberdeen Harbour expansion project. The vessel was attended by a class surveyor and a dive survey was carried out on June 30 and damage was confirmed. The DNV-GL surveyed the vessel and it was agreed to send it for repairs. The Port State Control in Germany has also been notified. The ship was drydocked at German Dry Dock in Bremerhaven on July 3 where it remained stationary on July 18.
Allision in Emden
On Oct 9, 2014, at 1.50 a.m. the "Beltnes" allided with a pole in the foreport of the large sea lock in Emden. The Philippino captain had misjudged the wind force and got off course so that the vessel slammed into the dolphins off the lock. A wooden shelter was torn off and sank in the basin. The ship suffered dents and scratches. It docked at the South Quay in Emden around 3 a.m. The water police Emden launched an investigation.
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