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Cargo ship detained after sinking trawler off India
Marine police and maritime regulators have detained the "Batis" in Hazira for its alleged involvement in a collision with a trawler that killed two fishermen last week. The vessel had docked in Hazira on Oct 29, 2014. The Crew was accused to have been in collision with a fishing trawler 64 nautical miles off Jafrabad coast of Amreli district. Three fishermen were still missing, while three were rescued by another fishing boat in the evening of Oct 28. The "Batis" was detained based on the details obtained from a vessel traffic system (VTS) installed in Hazira. Additionally, the rescued fishermen were able to identify the ship. There were collision marks on the vessel too. Its 23 crewmembers were interrogated over the weekend. The captain has denied the collision altogether. A Maritime Board official stated that VTS details showed the ship tried to hide its location and flee. The Yellow Gate police in Mumbai was carrying out a further investigation. The marine mercantile department, Mumbai was also investigating the case.
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