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On May 12, 2012, at 4 a.m. the Argentine flagged tank m/v "Rio Turbio" was in collision with the "Ava Payagua", in Paraná de las Palmas at river km 102 of the Rio Parana at the height of Zárate. The "Rio Turbio" sank, and only the engineer has been found so far and was taken to an nearby hospital with hypothermia. Seven people remained missing. Navy forces were frantically searching for the missing crew. Rescue Service, Fire and Environmental Protection of Buenos Aires and Campana and the Coast Guard were on scene. The tug had a crew of 12 crew. Three of them, among them the master and the helmsman, were taken into custody. The tug was detained for inspections. Argentine report with photo: http://www.ultimahora.com/notas/527484-Choque-entre-un-barco-argentino-y-uno-paraguayo-deja-7-desaparecidos-en-el-Parana
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