93 days ago
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Allision in Svendborg
The "Astarte", being enroute to Frederikshavn, was caught by a wind gust in the port of Sevenborg on Sep 7, 2018. The ship was pushed against a floating dock and suffered hull damage. On Sep 10 the ship was drydocked for repairs which would take about two weeks. The call in Frederikhavn therefore was cancelled, and the ship will return to Bremerhaven after comletion of repairs.
Allision in Bremerhaven
On June 15, 2016, at 4.50 p.m. the "Astarte" allided with a floating dock in Bremerhaven. The ship was on a round trip in the port when the swell of the stern thruster of a cargo ship which just departed from the Kaiser Port pushed the ship against the dock. The baseboard was damaged, and the dock suffered scatches. No injuries were reported.
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