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Two crew members died from malaria after medevac off East London
The "Agios Fanourios" requested immediate medical assistance for two crew members who were in critical condition in the afternoon of Sep 20, 2017, about 92 miles east of East London. The NSRI East London was alerted by the Transnet National Ports Authority following reports of two sailors requiring an urgent medevac from the bulkcarrier which was sailing from Abijan to Durban. The men, a 53 year old Panamanian and a 53 year old Filipino were reported to be unconscious and suspected to be suffering from Malaria. The MRCC had been alerted earlier in the day and a Government Health EMS duty doctor had assessed the patients conditions and requested an urgent patient evacuation operation. The distance and time constraints ruled out a ship to sea rescue craft rescue operation and the NSRI ASR (Airborne Sea Rescue) were alerted to coordinate an airborne sea rescue operation. The MRCC scrambled an SA Air Force (SAAF) 15 Squadron Oryx helicopter. The NSRI Durban dispatched ASR rescue swimmers, and Netcare 911 dispatched rescue paramedics to respond to the SAAF 15 Squadron Air Force base in Durban. NSRI East London, NSRI Port St Johns, NSRI Port Edward and NSRI Shelly Beach were placed on alert. At 8.30 p.m. an SAAF 15 Squadron Oryx helicopter accompanied by the NSRI Durban ASR rescue swimmers and with Netcare 911 rescue paramedics were airborne from Durban. They rendezvoused with the ship 13 miles off Port St Johns on the Transkei Wild Coast. The NSRI rescue swimmers and the Netcare 911 rescue paramedics were hoisted onto the ship from the helicopter and found thesailors in the care of the ships medics, one in a serious condition, and one in a critical condition. Medical treatment was administered and both patients conditions were stabilised. They were prepared and secured and hoisted into the helicopter in relays secured into specialised rescue stretchers. The Filipino patient’s heart failed once he was in the helicopter and CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) efforts were commenced by the Netcare 911 rescue paramedics assisted by the NSRI crew and a heart beat was restored. Medical treatment to both patients continued onboard the helicopter and we landed at hospital in Durban at 23h06 where doctors and nurses took over medical treatment of both patients. It was later confirmed that CPR efforts had been conducted in hospital on both patients whose conditions had deteriorated and both patients had later died.
Dire conditions reported onboard stranded Greek bulker off India
Local seafaring unions in India are asking for help to assist the crew on the handy bulk carrier Antaeus, which was abandoned by its Greek owners, Pyrsos Shipping, off Visakhapatnam on May 22. Since then the food and drinking water ran out 12 days ago, and fuel onboard is close to running out. Locals are trying to help by sending supplies to the crew. The seafarers, believed to be Greek, claim they are owned two months back pay and are demanding assistance to be repatriated. Another ship, Apellis, belonging to the troubled Greek owner has just been detained in China over unpaid fees to a local ship repair yard.
Bulkcarrier and crew stranded in Visakhapatnam
The Greek maritime authority had to intervene into situation with the "Antaeus" which is stranded in Visakhapatnam since May 22, 2016. The vessel presently was moored on Visakhapatnam roads, and the crew has run out of food and drinking water since June 19. Also the fuel was low. The crew claimed two months wages delay and required repatriation.
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