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Medevac off Ruegen
On June 21, 2020, a sick person was medevaced from the 'Adler Vineta' north of Ruegen island. The patient was transferred aboard the lifeboat 'Berthold Beitz' of the DGzRS Station Greifswalder Oie after the master reported the situation at 11 a.m. The man man complained of severe chest pain and was hardly responsive. He urgently needed medical help. The ship was on the way to Wolgast. The MRCC in Bremen alerted the lifeboat and a rescue helicopter from Northern HeliCopter (NHC) based on Ruegen. Until their arrival, the crew of the "Adler Vineta" looked after the 60-year-old man. An emergency medic of the MRCC advised them on the radio. In order to save time, the ship approached the lifeboat. Both ships met southeast of the island of Ruden. In the protection of the island, the lifeboat went alongside. At the same time, the helicopter droppedoff a doctor and a paramedic on the ship. Together they stabilized the patient so that he could be transferred onto the lifeboat where the doctor and paramedic continued to take care of the patient. The boat headed to the port on the island of Ruden where the patient was taken over by the helicopter crew, who flew him to a nearby hospital.
Three passengers injured in allision
The "Adler Vienta" allided with the Sea Pier in Ahlbeck upon Usedom in the evening of Sep 3, 2012. Due to the impact three passengers were slightly injured. On the whole there were 37 passengers and a crew of six on board the ship. It hit a piling so hard that the hull and railings were damaged. Drug tests of master and helmsman were negative. The ship sailed for Swinoujscie the same evening.
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