Über mich:
Avid boat watcher. New at it. I enjoy taking pictures of random things; and now of boats. I look forward to the day when I can cast aside my digital pocket camera and tote around a digital SLR. In due time, I suppose. I think of the ships that pass by as being mystical and magical in that there's something to be said about seeing the world from another side. I'd love to talk to people about their experiences and cultures. I use a Pentax K2000 to shoot my pictures. This is a new camera to me and my first Digital SLR. I could not decide between a Nikon and a Canon ... so I got a Pentax. Let me know what you think!! The Stefania I is my new favorite ship! The crew wave and smile; AND they tooted the horn "hello" as they passed us down river from the locks, totally making my son's day!