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Collision in the Bosphorus
The "Sider Capri" was in collision with the vehicles carrier "Grande Anversa" in the south entrance of the Canakkale Strait on Nov 27, 2016, at 7.04 p.m. The cargo ship suffered severe bow damage, the hull of the vehicles carrier was breached above the waterline at starboard side, its crew of 25 was safe as well as the 11 on board of the "Sider Capri". The Vessel Traffic Service sent the tug "Kurtarma 4" and the lifeboat "Kıyı Emniyeti 9" to the scene. The "Grande Anversa" was enroute from Constanta, where she had sailed on Nov 24, to Izmit, Valencia. The "Sider Capri" was also coming from Constanta, having sailed on Nov 25, and destined for Larnaca. The tug towed both ships to Karanlık Liman Mevkii'ne and dropped anchor off Erenkoy. Turkish reports with photos and video: http://www.sabah.com.tr/webtv/yasam/yercekimine-meydan-okuyan-halay-basi https://www.kiyiemniyeti.gov.tr/Default.aspx?p=R&pid=385 http://www.denizhaber.com.tr/canakkale-bogazinda-iki-gemi-catisti-haber-71119.htm http://www.haberler.com/canakkale-bogazi-nda-carpisan-gemilerde-hasar-9004545-haberi/ http://www.ahaber.com.tr/gundem/2016/11/28/canakkale-bogazinda-iki-gemi-carpisti
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