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213 passengers missed Rhine in Flames
On July 5, 2014, at 8:15 p.m. the "TUI Sonata" ran aground on the Rhien at Lorch. The ship was on a river cruise from Düsseldorf to Worms and back. The 213 passengers and Crew attended the Event "Rhein in Flammen" (Rhine in flames). A tug was unable to refloat the ship which was stuck outside the fairway. The salvage attempts werre continued in the morning of July with the passengers remaining aboard. The ferry "Mittelrhein" took them off and taken to Lorch where they boarded another passenger ship. At 12.30 p.m. the ship was refloated by two tugs and continued to Bingen, where divers surveyed the hull. They only found scratches at the foreship so the passengers reboarded the ship in the evening and continued their voyage to Düsseldorf. The grounding occurred due to a navigational mistake of the captain who steered the ship off the fairway. German reports with photos and video: http://www.swr.de/landesschau-aktuell/rp/havarie-auf-dem-rhein-festgefahrenes-kreuzfahrtschiff-freigeschleppt/-/id=1682/did=13725212/nid=1682/1yyrqhs/ http://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/polizei/bingen--ruedesheim-fahrgastschiff-mit-mehr-als-200-menschen-an-bord-festgefahren-rhein-in-flammen-verpasst_14300396.htm http://www.fnp.de/rhein-main/blaulicht/Fahrgastschiff-nach-Rhein-in-Flammen-evakuiert;art25945,926424
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