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Trawler threatened to run aground at Den Oever
In the morning of Sep 28, 2016, about 06:30 a.m. the lifeboat "Joke Dijkstra" of the KNRM station Den Helder was alerted after the "Else Jeannette - WR 98" had got the propeller fouled by a net. The shrimper was disabled and threatened to be pushed onto the beach at the Molengat in a fresh westerly wind. When the lifeboat arrived, the trawler was only 50 meters from the beach in heave swells with the nets still hanging over board. Fortunately, the ship was clear from the underwater obstruction of old German bunkers. The nets, however, were severely damaged. It was decided to establish a towing connection at the stern immediately and pull the ship stern first towards the trench of the Molengat. This went smoothly. Then the trawler was pulled throught the Molengat to the anchorage where a fellow fisherman took over and pulled the trawler to Den Oever. At 08:30 a.m. the lifeboat was back at the station. Dutch report with photos: https://www.knrm.nl/nieuws/knrm-reddingstation-den-helder/kotter-bijna-gestrand
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