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Scrapped at Grenaa 06/2022 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2930882977211847&set=pcb.10161442130443943
Rescue operation for poisoned crew member of trawler off Büsum
On Sep 13, 2018, a crew member of the "Westbank" was poisoned by leaking coolant in the fish room about 15 miles west of Büsum. Two other fishing vessels which were nearby alerted the MRCC of the DGtRS after the colleagues had requested for support after own efforts to assist the consciousness victim had to be aborted due to the contamination of the cargo hild. The MRCC alerted the lifeboat "Theodor Storm" of the DGzRS station Büsum and a helicopter of Northern Helicopter which dropped off an emergency doctor and a paramedic on board the "Westbank". Ten minutes later, the lifeboat arrived on site and launched its work boat "Nis Puk" with two men. the lifeboat could not get alongside because the fishing gear was still outside and could not be recovered. A rescuer entered the fish room with respiratory protection. He found the victim unconscious. With the help of a rescue sling, he was hoisted onto the deck, where the doctors took over the treatment. In the meantime, the workboat picked up one crew member each from both other trawlers, which were on standby. They assisted the captain in recovering the fishing gear. Under difficult conditions, the patient could be transferred directly from the trawler onto the "Theodor Storm", where he was further treated by the doctor. The patient was then hoisted by helicopter on a stretcher and flown directly to the hospital. German report with photo: https://www.seenotretter.de/aktuelles/seenotfaelle/ansicht/news/schwerer-unfall-auf-fischkutter-westlich-von-buesum-seenotretter-holen-schwerverletzten-unter-atems/
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