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Barge grounded on the Weser
During a turning manoever the "Ella", 1107 ts (ENI-No.: 04004810), got perpendicular to the Weser fairway in the afternoon of Sep 11, 2016, close to Nienburg. The ship was loaded with 1000 tons fertilizer. It first got stuck on the west side embankment with the bow and then with the stern on the opposite river side. The Weser had to be barred for shipping from 4.30 p.m. until Sep 12 at 3 a.m. The fire rescue attended and removed sand from the bow with a crane barge so that the ship could turn into the current. Two tugs were stabilizing the barge during this manoever. After the ship was refloated, it was taken to Leeseringen for surveys. German report with photo: http://www.mt.de/lokales/regionales/20914473_Schiff-stellt-sich-quer-Weser-fuer-elf-Stunden-gesperrt.html https://www.dieharke.de/Lokales/Lokales-6/48599/Gefaehrliche_Situation_auf_der_Weser.html https://www.dieharke.de/Lokales/Lokales-6/48614/Schwieriges_Bergemanoever_gelingt.html
Ship secured and headed to repair yard
With rudder hard to port and full astern the master of the "Mar Elena I", which was carrying a cargo of vacuumized gasoil, had tried to avoid the collision with the "Ella", but the ship finally smashed into the barge in the Rethe Basin in the morning of Jan 20 at 3 a.m. The "Ella" had backed from the Kali Quay into the turning basin to give space for another ship. The fact that the tanker had already turned a bit reduced the damage a bit, as it hit only with the starboard foreship, but not with the bow. Water poured into the breached cargo hold which was loaded with 1100 tons wheat, and the ship started to list. At least three leaks were torn into the hull. In the run of the day the whole cargo was lightered onto barges while the ship was getting dewatered continuously. Divers investigated the leaks and where able to patch them temporarily. The forepeak and engine room were not affected by the flooding. In the evening the "Ella" was so far secured that she could proceed to a repair yard in Hamburg-Harburg. The investigations regarding the cause of the accident were going on, drug tests of both masters were negative.
Ella threatened to sink after collision
On Jan 20, 2015, at 3.11 a.m. the tank m/v "Mar Elena 1", was in collision with the "Ella", 1107 ts (EU-No.: 04004810), on the Rethe which is connecting the Reiherstieg and the Köhlbrand in the port of Hamburg. The "Ella" had left her berth at the Kali Quay to make room for another ship. When she back off sternwards it got into the turning basin and hit against the tanker which was just about to sail. The "Ella" suffered water ingress in the foreship and the engine room. It was towed to the Kali Quay in Wilhelmsburg where it was secured by the ploice launch "WS 27" and the cargo of wheat was being lightered. The fire rescue was on scene with up to 36 men and two boats, dewatered the "Ella" and thus kept it from sinking. The "Mar Elena 1" which had come from Kattwyk and was bound to Oxelösund berthed at warehouse 76/77 in the Ellerholz Port at 4 a.m.German reports with photos and video: http://www.kn-online.de/Schleswig-Holstein/Aus-dem-Land/Hamburg-Binnenschiff-kollidiert-mit-Tanker http://www.abendblatt.de/hamburg/polizeimeldungen/article136556681/Tanker-und-Binnenschiff-kollidieren-auf-der-Rethe-im-Hafen.html http://www.mopo.de/polizei/hafen-hamburg-schiffs-crash-mit-tanker--binnenschiff-leckgeschlagen,7730198,29614782.html http://www.sat1regional.de/panorama-video/article/havarie-in-hamburg-binnenschiff-laeuft-mit-wasser-voll-164583.html
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