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Seized yacht being refurbished in Marina die Carrara
The 'Scheherazade', linked to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, is being refitted on the unnamed owner's dime in the Marina di Carrara. Italy seized the superyacht in May 2022, but has allowed its unnamed sanctioned owner to continue paying for the vessel's staff, maintenance, and a refit in the Tuscan port. It is being refurbished by the Milan-listed Italian Sea Group. The owner of the 'Scheherazade' is Eduard Khudainatov, the sanctioned former CEO of Russian state oil company Rosneft. However, the oligarch is merely the "straw owner" of the vessel. US authorities believe the superyacht could belong to Putin.
Detained mega yacht kept from fleeing
Close surveillance was carried out over the weekend of May 7/8 on the 'Scheherazade' after it was impounded in the early hours of May 7 at the port of Carrara by tax police officers in the belief that the vessel was about to flee Italy. Officers boarded the yacht to warn its British captain, Guy Bennett Pearce, not to set sail as a patrol ship was blocking the vessel’s route. Later that day a police helicopter monitored the yacht as a patrol vessel stayed in the port, revealing the determination of the police not to let the yacht slip away.
Yacht detained in Marina di Carrara
Italian authorities have arrested the "Scheherazade" in the Marine di Carrara on May 7, 2022. She is suspected to belong to Vladimir Putin. The financial police found connections to sanctioned persons. The AIS of the ship has been missing since 66 days.
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