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Ol Büsum took off stranded passengers from "Lady von Büsum"
In the evening of May 6, 2013, the "Ol Büsum" was called to take off 134 passengers of the passenger m/v "Lady von Büsum" IMO: 8009258), which had run aground around noon at Buschsand west of Trischen island with 136 passengers on board enroute Büsum-Cuxhaven. The passengers were transported back to Büsum where the "Ol Büsum" berthed around 10 p.m. Half an hour later also the "Lady von Büsum" entered the port after having refloated with the incoming tide. German report with photos: http://www.seenotretter.de/presse/pressemitteilungen-im-detail/article/seenotretter-bergen-136-passagiere-von-festgekommenem-ausflugsschiff-ab.html?tx_ttnews[backPid]=30&cHash=2fb5744f1dc465d486d4bcf310981bb3
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