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Bulk carrier stood by distressed migrants
The SAR boat 'Guardamar Polimnia' rescued 58 boat people of sub-Saharan origin in the night of Jan 26, 2022, including 13 women, who were located aboard an inflatable boat about 100 kilometers southeast of Gran Canaria. The zodiac - the tenth boat with migrants located during the day in the Canary Islands, had been sighted a few hours earlier by the Helimer 201 rescue helicopter. Until the SAR ship arrived, the 'Desert Osprey', which was in the area on its way from Lagos to Casablanca, remained on standby near the boat. It then resumed its voyage with an ETA as of Jan 28. On the whole, ten boats with more than 467 migrants on board have been assisted in the waters of the Canary Islands, and 18 people have disappeared in one shipwreck off Lanzarote.
Bulkcarrier imposed with fine
The 'Desert Osprey' was imposed with a fine for violating the Russian Federation state border navigation rules on March 27, 2020. The vessel had entered a temporary dangerous navigation closed area prior to entering Novorossiysk, Russia. The Master of the vessel had received a warning about entering closed navigation areas, but had neglected it. Thus, carelessness led to a violation of navigation laws and the vessel was served with an administrative fine. The FSB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory stated that, according to the law, areas closed for navigation are established in order to ensure the safety of navigation, to protect the state interests of the Russian Federation and to protect the environment. All Russian and foreign vessels are required to comply with the rules established for areas prohibited for navigation. The sanction for this offence, was an administrative fine of between 30,000 to 50,000 Rubles.
Logos Hope came in contact with bulk carrier Desert Osprey
Passenger (cruise) Logos Hope (12519 gt, built 1973) came in contact with bulk carrier Desert Osprey (31848 gt, built 2015), while proceeding downstream at the 408 kilometre mark on the River Parana, Argentina, on Jun 26. Reportedly, there were no major damages to the hull of both vessels. Following the contact, both vessels were anchored for a thorough inspection by the Naval Prefecture to assess whether the vessels is seaworthy. The vessels are reported to have sustained some damages, which is not considered serious at this stage.
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