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Anchor loss in storm Ciara
The HNLMS 'Rotterdam' has faced heavy seas during her voyage to the Plymouth for Flag Officer Sea Training (FOST). While most of the ships were in the port due to the Storm Ciara with winds of up to 100mph on Feb 9, 2020, the HNLMS 'Rotterdam' decided to proceed to Plymouth for its incoming training period. The ship faced waves about 12 meters height. During anchoring off the south coast of England, she lost one of its anchors. There were no injuries, and there was no other damage. Video:
Destroyed mother ship while fired upon by pirates
On Oct 24 the Dutch warship HNMLS Rotterdam spotted a dhow close to the Somali shoreline. A boarding team was routinely dispatched to inspect the vessel. As the boarding party neared the, the Dutch sailors took sustained gunfire from both the dhow and fighters on shore. The boarding party returned fire and very quickly the dhow ignited in flames and those aboard jumped in the water to escape the blaze. The firefight killed one person aboard the dhow. The Rotterdam's crew rescued 25 men from the ocean, but the rescue effort proved dangerous as the gunmen on shore continued to fire at both the boarding party and the Rotterdam. None of the Rotterdam's crew was injured in the incident, though the rigid-hulled boat the boarding party was using sustained damage. The suspected pirates received medical attention and are now being detained aboard the Rotterdam, which serves as the flagship for NATO's counter-piracy task force off the waters of Somalia, known as "Ocean Shield." ABC News
NATO Warship Rotterdam Intercepts Suspect Pirate Skiff
Dutch warship HNLMS ROTTERDAM, on the morning of 11 Oct, put an end to the activities of a group of suspected pirates from Somalia. The suspected pirates and their boat were taken on board the Rotterdam pending further decision. The search for the pirate action group began the previous afternoon when the Spanish fishing vessel, IZURDIA, reported an attack by a skiff. "The timely and complete reporting of the IZURDIA enabled us focused action. Following coordination between the staffs of NATO and EU task forces the Rotterdam eventually managed to intercept the suspected pirates," said Commodore Bekkering, Commander of NATO Task Force 508. Source: oceanuslive
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