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Multi purpose catamaran gutted by fire
On Oct 6, 2014, the "Jonas II" completely burnt out in her homeport of Nieuwpoort. Just before 9:00 a.m. the skipper who prepared to sail with his Crew, remarked the fire. The fire rescue was quickly on the spot. Several fire departments were fighting the fire for abount one hour. The fire was accompanied by large flames because the ship was largely constructed of polyester. The multi-purpose catamaran could not be saved, the ship was gutted, but remained afloat. The wreck was towed to the Flemish Association for Watersport where an expert investigated the cause of the fire. Dutch Report with photos and videos: http://visserijnieuws.punt.nl/content/2014/10/N-95-brandt-uit-in-haven-van-Nieuwpoort-video#sthash.ul7m6x6X.dpuf http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws/regio/westvlaanderen/belga_20141007-catamaran http://www.hln.be/hln/nl/957/Binnenland/article/detail/2078129/2014/10/07/Catamaran-volledig-uitgebrand-in-Nieuwpoort.dhtml http://www.nieuwsblad.be/article/detail.aspx?articleid=DMF20141007_01308478
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