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Martin H disabled and towed to Bodø
In the night of Dec 3, 2013, the "Martin H" reported that they took in water and the main engine was knocked out and the power had completely broken down. The vessel had five people on board. A rescue helicopter and rescue boat were dispatched by the Coast guard. The tug "Norman Earl" proceeded from Reine. Due to favorable winds could the vessel held over 14 knots. After 2,5 hours, the Coastguard tug was on scene and established a towing connection. The crew wanted to be towed to Bodø. The "Normal Jarl" requested the"Martin H" to assist in maintaining course using bowthrustere and rudder. The wind pushed the "Martin H" to starboard throughout the tow which was demanding for the towing equipment. The last leg of the tow was conducted with the assistance of a lifeboat in winds up to 53 knots and timewise no visibility. The bad weather did they at some point had to be close to an hour still to wait for better conditions. At 10.30 a.m. the ship was safely towed into the port of Bodø. Norwegian report with photos:
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