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Master fined for dangerous sailing
The master of the 'Lilleøre' was sentenced for dangerous navigation after sailing at a speed of 26 knots north of Tunø on Juily 27, 2021, in dense fog. The Samsø ferry did not issue fog signals or slow down. Martin Barnkob and his wife experienced a near collision with the ferry aboard their yacht 'Gulnare'. The East Jutland Police have closed the case and issued a not inconsiderable fine, but they refused to inform the couple about the amount of the sanction as they were not a legal party to the case, as the boat was not hit. The collision, however, was only avoided because the 'Gulnare' changed course at the last moment. The ferry does not stop to check if everything was alright on board the 'Gulnare', but slowed down and turned on the fog horn.
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