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LILA CHIOS 9286798
On Aug 16, 2010, the Dutch fregate Hrms "De Zeven Provinciën" reacted on a call for help by the "Anangel Innovation". The vessel was being approached by a skiff with 7 persons on board while the fregate was in a distance of 30 miles and headed for the skiff immediately. A Japanese helicopter was first on scene causing the attackers to flee. The Lynx helicopter of the "De Zeven Provinciën" released the Japanese and tried to stop the skiff with warning shorts. Only when the "De Zeven Provinciën2 arrived and gave more warning shots with its 55-mm.-guns, the pirates stopped. Their boat was boarded by 2 teams with RHIBs, weapons and a ladder were thrown over board before. The major outboarder engine of the skiff was confiscated, and the pirates were released with a small eninge left.
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