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Main free again
The "Klosterrneuburg" was refloated in the afternoon of Dec 4 and towed away. Salvage attempts had started at midday, but only when the two sections were divided, the salvors had success. Then the fairway was surveyed ands at 5.29 p.m. the Main was free for ship traffic. After two ice breakers did not achieve success, the river authority called a third ship at 3 p.m., and the Main level was heightened. The Police Aschaffenburg launched an investigation. The barge train had grounded when trying to pass an approaching ship which was underway towards Linz.
Main blocked by barge train
On Dec 4, 2013, at 7 a.m. the "Klosterneuburg" drifted perpendicular on the Main between Wörth and Obernburg. The "Klosterneuburg" was sailing river downstream when it veered off course and got stuck, blocking ship traffic since. The barge train was loaded with 4.000 tons soy grist and sunflower seeds. The police Aschaffenburg proceeded to the grounding site. German report with photos and video: ]http://primavera24.de/nachrichten/schiff-liegt-quer-im-main/52979 http://www.br.de/nachrichten/unterfranken/schiff-blockade-main-100.html
on Dec 16., 2010, at 6.15, the "Klosterneuburg" in Nürnberg was in collision with the inland water craft "Leho 2“, 1300 ts (ENI-Nr: 02314212) on the Rhine-Main-Danube-Canal and which carried 1100 tons coal. The "Leho 2" suffered a 3-m-gash in the bow. The barge train pushed by the "Klosterneuburg" carried 3300 tons ore and aluminium and was also considerably damaged. It was allowed to proceed to Regensburg after surveys.
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