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Hauke Haien grounded while assisting Adler Express
On July 11, 2015, at 11.05 a.m. the "Adler Express" got off the fairway enroute from Amrum to Hoooge and ran aground on the sandbar "Schweinerücken". After the Crew failed to refloat the ship, the DGzRS was alerted at 11.25 a.m. The nearby passenger m/v "Hauke Haien" offered help but got stuck too. The DGzRS dispatched the lifeboat "Ernst Meier-Hedde" from the station Amrum which was on Scene 20 minutes afte rthe alert. Both passenger ships were meanwhile high and dry on the sandbar. The daughter boat "Lotte" was thus unable to reach the ships. The 230 passengers of both ships were disembarked with ladders onto the sandbar and transferred onto the passenger ships "Adler IV“, "Hilligenlei" and "Rungholt" aboard the "Lotte" and two rubber boats. The "Adler Express" refloated at 8 p.m. with the high tide and proceeded to Husum. The "Hauke Haien" was pulled off in the run of the evening and berthed in Dagebüll at 9 p.m. The crews of six of both ships remained aboard for the time being. The lifeboat remained on standby. German report with photos: http://www.seenotretter.de/aktuelles/seenotfaelle/ansicht/news/zwei-fahrgastschiffe-im-nordfriesischen-wattenmeer-festgefahren-seenotretter-bergen-passagiere-a/ https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/Zwei-Ausflugsschiffe-stranden-im-Watt,watt264.html http://www.shz.de/lokales/insel-bote/ausflugsschiff-adler-express-steckt-im-watt-fest-id10199516.html
Medevac off Wyk
Between Amrum and Föhr a medevac was necessary after a child fell aboard the "Hauke Haien" on July 26, 2012, while the ship was underway to Wzyk, and was hurt. The lifeboat "Vormann Leiss" was called from Amrum with a medical on board. The small boat of the lifeboat was launched and the medical transferred aboard the passenger ship. After the "Hauke Haien" was in port, the child was treated in an ambulance. The lifeboat took the medical back to Amrum.
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