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Container barge allided with railway bridge
On May 13, 2018, at 6.52 p.m. the "Gouwenaar II", 1937 ts (EU-No.: 02337312), allided with the Gouda-Waddinxveen-railway bridge at Alphen on the Rhine. Due to the allision, train traffic of Prorail between Gouda and Boskoop was blocked also on May 15. The bridge had shifted on the foundation and the safety net was also visibly torn. The damaged had such an extent that specialized fitters had to take measurements. The results were expected in the course of the night. Two containers on deck of the barge which were stored at starboard side and got stuck underneath the bridge were damaged too. The ship was coming from Alphen at the Rhine and seemed to have approached the bridge carefully and had reduced speed. The fire brigade dropped off police officers on board with an inflatable boat after the accident. The "Gouwenaar II" later sailed to Gouda and berthed behind the lock. She berthed in the Leopold Dock in Antwerp on May 16 at 9 a.m. Dutch report with photos: http://www.alphens.nl/nieuws/infrastructuur/30613,geen-treinen-naar-gouda-door-aanvaring-spoorbrug.html https://www.omroepwest.nl/nieuws/3632432/Beperkt-treinverkeer-Gouda-Boskoop-na-botsing-schip-tegen-spoorbrug https://www.transport-online.nl/site/91239/containerschip-ramt-spoorbrug-in-gouda-fotos/ https://www.ad.nl/gouda/containerschip-knalt-tegen-spoorbrug-gouda-ook-maandag-nog-geen-treinverkeer~a97a3705/
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