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AHTS sold
Solstad Offshore, a Norway based offshore ships supplier, has entered into an agreement for the sale of “Normand Draupne” AHTS built in 1985 to an international buyer. The vessel is expected to be handed over to new owners during December 2014. The sale of the vessel will have a positive cash effect for SOFF of approximately NOK 50 million and with a booked gain of approximately NOK 27 million. Solstad operates 47 vessels all over the world. In addition, the company has 1 large subsea vessel under construction. The Normand Draupne is not the only 29-year-old being sold today. Sweden’s Viking Supply Ships has announced it sold the 1985-built platform supply vessel SBS Cirrus, to focus on more modern vessels. Offshore Energy Today Staff, September 17, 2014 Posted on September 17, 2014 with tags 29-year old, AHTS, Sells, Solstad. Quelle:
sold to undsiclosed buyer 7,8 million USD
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