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Fire off Boulogne
On July 9, 2019, at 8.30 a.m. a fire broke out aboard the "Saint Christophe II – BL.690755’, 32 gt, in the Pas-de-Calais. The crew managed to evacuate the trawler aboard a lifeboat nine nautical miles south of Boulogne-sur-Mer. The CROSS Gris-Nez immediately sent a Dauphin helicopter of the French Navy, the Coastguard patrol boat "Jacques-Oudard Fourmentin" and the all-weather boat "Président Jacques Huret" of the SNSM station in Boulogne-sur-Mer. Another fishing vessel, the "Arpège", that was near the area, was also diverted to assist. The crew was hoisted aboard the Dauphin from their lifeboat about 30 minutes after the alert was triggered, and taken to Boulogne in good health. The fire aboard the trawler was brought under control by the SNSM boat, assisted by the fishing vessel which had been diverted. Once the fire was extinguished, the "Saint Christopher II" was towed to the port of Boulogne by the lifeboat. Report with photo: https://www.lavoixdunord.fr/611058/article/2019-07-09/un-fileyeur-en-feu-au-large-de-boulogne-ses-membres-d-equipage-helitreuilles
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