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Injured cook medevaced off Brest
A cook, aged 49, was seriously injured with a knive aboard the 'Joseph Roty II' 200 miles from the Brest coast on Oct 23, 2023. He was supported by a medical team on board the NH 90 SAR helicopter from Lanvéoc, and airlifted at around 7 p.m. At 8:13 p.m., he was dropped off at the Cavale-Blanche University Hospital for medical treatment.
Medevac in Bay of Biscay
On 4, 2022, a technician had to medevaced from the 'Joseph Roty II' by a helicopter of the French Navy. The man, who was suffering from tension problems, was hospitalized in the University Hospital of Brest for examinations. The ship had set sail for the Bay of Biscay on Jan 13 for its first campaign of the year. Report with photo: https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/saint-malo-35400/saint-malo-un-technicien-evacue-par-helicoptere-du-joseph-roty-ii-au-large-du-finistere-2342d63c-8677-11ec-92de-82b50c7e4353
Two medevacs within 3 days due to injury and Covid suspicion
A crew member of the 'Joseph Roty II' was medevaced in the morning of Jan 20 off Penmarc'h, due to a suspected Covid-19 infection. The 56-year-old man had to be airlifted as he suffered from respiratory problems. As medical teams ashore suspected a case of Covid-19, it was therefore necessary to equip the Caïman helicopter of the French Navy accordingly before launching the operation, coordinated by the CROSS Etel. Finally, around 6:20 a.m., the man was recovered about 130 km southwest of Penmarc'h. He was transported to the Quimper hospital, where he was taken care of at 7:15 a.m. The suspicion of Covid was then ruled out. Already on Jan 17, a crew member had to be medevaced by helicopter due to an injury.
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