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Gemany sends another navy ship to NATO northern flank as reaction on Russias aggression
In the face of Russia's attack on the Ukraine, the German Navy is sending an additional corvette to the NATO's northern flank. The "Erfurt" is scheduled to depart from Wilhelmshaven in the morning of Feb 26, 2022. There the ship is to join the "Standing Nato Maritime Group 1". The reinforcement of NATO's northern flank is a concrete expression of the close ties with its alliance partners. The ship will be withdrawn from another mission in the Mediterranean. She its home port of Warnemündeon Feb 19 to take part in the UN peacekeeping mission Unifil off the Lebanese coast. The ship is currently in Wilhelmshaven. The "Standing Nato Maritime Group 1" usually consists of several destroyers and frigates as well as a supply ship. Almost all NATO member states participate in the association.
Corvette suffered damage in allision in Kiel
Following an allision with the Tirpitz jetty in the naval base of Kiel the "Erfurt" left the port on Sep 21, 2018, for repairs in its home base Rostock-Warnemünde, where it berthed the same day. The ship had suffered damage to its bulbous bow in the accident. The cause of the allision was yet unknown. The participation in a manoever in the Baltic Sea had to be aborted.
Repairs in Rendsburg completed
On Sep 3, 2014, the "Erfurt" left the Nobiskrug Yard in Rendsburg where the damage - caused in the allision with the jetty of the ammunition depot Korügen on the Kiel Fjord during the first voyage after delivery - has been repaired during the recent months. The ship transited the Kiel Canal to Wilhelmshaven where it berthed in the afternoon of Sep 7.
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