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Report into deadly accident published
On Feb 8, 2024, a report by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) investigated the fall of a deck hand overboard from the 'Eder Sands' about 150 nautical miles west of Ireland on Oct 7, 2022, while the vessel was shooting a net approximately 150 nautical miles west of Ireland. The crew member was not found despite an extensive 21-hour search involving other vessels and fixed-wing aircraft. The unwritten onboard process for shooting nets was unsafe and required the crew to work at height without appropriate guard rails or a safety harness and tether to protect them. The crew were habitually wearing their lifejackets with loose waist straps and it was probable that the deckhand slipped out of his lifejacket when he fell into the water. The lifejackets used by the crew were compliant but unsuitable for the vessel’s operation because they were not fitted with a light, personal locator beacon, crotch strap or spray hood. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has been recommended (2024/103) to review and revise its guidance to fishing vessel owners in MGN 588 (F) to review the suitability of personal flotation devices issued to their crew and ensure that MGN 588 (F) reflects fishing industry advice on the selection of personal flotation devices with safety features appropriate to the vessel’s operation. Recommendations (2024/104, 2024/105 and 2024/106) have been made to Eder Sands’ owner to: - Amend the vessel’s safety management system to include operational procedures and vessel-specific risk assessments for shooting and hauling nets, and record the inspection and maintenance of each personal flotation device carried on board. - Review the suitability of the personal flotation devices and consider the provision of a light, spray hood and personal locator beacon. - Ensure that its crew follow the guidance in MGN 588 (F) and wears their personal flotation devices in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Full report: https://www.gov.uk/maib-reports/fall-overboard-from-fishing-vessel-eder-sands-with-loss-of-1-life
Trawler detained for several allegations
The 'Eder Sands' has been detained in the Highlands amid a number of allegations, including bosses failing to prove they had fully paid crew. The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) seized the vessel at Scrabster on July 2, 2020, following an investigation which was carried out in line with the UK Government’s Covid-19 guidance. The surveyors reported that the vessel’s work agreements did not comply with Work in Fishing Convention (WIFC) regulations. The trawler failed to present a WIFC certificate and the crew were found not to be properly qualified. In addition, the owners could not provide evidence that the crew had been paid in full and wage receipts were not in accordance with the regulations. It was also found that although the vessel had 20 crew members on board, it did not have the requisite International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate. The trawler will be released when it complies with all the requisite regulations and requirements.
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