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Large scaled search for missing man
In the morning of Jan 24, 2014, around 8.30 a.m. lifeboats, an aircraft and a helicopter started a search on the Westerscheldt between Flushing and Cadzand for the ship's cook of the "Cymbeline" after it was ensured that he did not embark from the ship in Flushing. The ship had left Zeebrugge at 5 a.m. enroute to the S14 buoy, and camera footage proved the person was on board at the time of departure. Around 8 a.m. the Dutch Coastguard was notified of the missing crew member. The lifeboats from Breskens, Cadzand and West Kapelle as well as a Belgian lifeboat were alerted. The Schelde Coordination Center took over the on-scene-command from the patrol boat "RWS 78" at 9.10 a.m. The search of on the whole seven boats, one aircraft and one helicopter was aborted at 2.27 p.m. because there would have been no survival chance in water of 6.7 degrees after more than six hours. All lifeboats returned to their stations. The ship left the port at 5.15 p.m. bound for Dagenham. Dutch reports with photos: http://www.knrm.nl/service/reddingrapporten/?contentID=6CAAADAE http://www.kustwacht.nl/nl/liveblog24012014.html
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