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Oil discharge from Coast Guard Cutter
The US Coast Guard respondied to a report of a discharge of hydraulic oil from the CG 'Spar' on Dec 26, 2020, in th Women's Bay, Kodiak, Alaska. Watchstanders at the Anchorage Command Center received notification from the National Response Center at 9:40 a.m., that the 'Spar' had encountered a hydraulic oil discharge. The amount discharged was unknown at this time, but the tank involved had a maximum capacity of approximately 914 gallons. The Coast Guard Anchorage Incident Management Division and Marine Safety Detachment (MSD) Kodiak personnel were monitoring the cleanup which has been contracted to Choctaw Defense Services (CDS). Personnel on scene deployed boom systems, absorbent pads, and a skimmer that is pumping to a vac truck. The source of the discharge has been secured, and the cause was under investigation.
Coastguard cutter disabled during salvage operation
In the afternoon of Jan 7, 2017, the "Anna-T" took the Coast Guard Cutter "Spar" in tow 230 miles southeast of Kodiak Saturday. The Coast Guard Cutter "Hickory", a 225-foot seagoing buoytender home ported in Homer, arrived on scene to escort the convoy during the transit to Kodiak. The tug "Chahunta" was scheduled to take the fishing vessel "Lady Gudny" in tow later in the evening. Initially, the "Lady Gudny" experienced fuel filter issues at sea after midnight on Jan 6 and became disabled and adrift. The "Spar" was diverted to provide assistance. As she prepared to take the trawler in tow in the afternoon of Jan 7, the towline separated, which entangled the "Spar"'s propellers and caused the cutter to become disabled. The four people aboard the "Lady Gudny" were airlifted by an Air Station Kodiak MH-60T aircrew and safely transported to Kodiak with no medical concerns in the afternoon. The crews of the Coast Guard Cutters "Douglas Munro" and "Hickory" were deployed to the scene, and the Coast Guard Cutter "Alex Haley" was diverted to assist the crew of the "Spar". The Coast Guard Cutters "Sycamore" and "Maple" were on standby to respond and assist if necessary. Weather was reported as 10 to 12-foot seas and 17 to 20-mph winds. Report and videos:
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