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Barge refloated
In the morning of Feb 16 the pusher tug "Baschtel" (ENI: 04600710) was able to refloat the grounded "Century". Then the barge was towed into the port of Germersheim.
Barges griounded on the Rhine
On Feb 13, 2018, t 7 p.m. the "Century", 3055 ts (EU-No.: 02326986; MMSI-No.: 244770198; CS: PE8405) pushing the "Century II", 2439 ts (EU-No.: 02330484) on the Rhine ran aground at Germersheim. river km 386,830, sailing river upstream with a cargo of coal. Both barges broke apart, and the lighter ship could be secured 800 meters river downstream by another barge with anchors. The "Century" remained stuck at the right river shore and possible may have to be lightered before being salvaged. The Rhine was barred for passing ship traffic at the accident site during te day. Acutally a one way-lane-solution was being discussed. German report with photo: https://www.rheinpfalz.de/lokal/landau/artikel/germersheim-schifffahrt-wegen-schiffsunfall-gesperrt/ https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/27750643_1682031308522870_4535609683152474356_n.jpg?oh=d16150d53e923f56712127d58ba1b62e&oe=5B1E9AD4
Engine room fire contained
In the midday hours of Aug 28, 2014, the fire rescue was alerted after a fire in the engine room of the "Century" on the slipway at the shipyard Jooren in Werkendam. The fire rescue attended with two engines, and the fire which had caused development of dense smoke at the Sleeuwikse Dike, was reported out at 3.30 p.m. The fire rescue then started to ventilate the engine room. Dutch report with photos: http://www.hetkontakt.nl/land-van-heusden-en-altena/nieuws/brand-in-machinekamer-schip
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