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Engiine Failure underway from Mongstad, Norway to Jorf Lasfar, Morocco
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carrier Celtic Gas (20151 gt, built 2015), carrying 6292.9 metric tonnes of Butane and 6097.8 metric tonnes of propane, en route from Mongstad, Norway to Jorf Lasfar, Morocco, was not under command after a fuel injection valve was found leaking, in position lat 52 42 53N, long 002 34 58E, at 0156 hrs, UTC, today. The fault was subsequently repaired and the vessel resumed voyage at 0329 hrs, UTC, today.
Tanker stranded at Itaqui due to lack of spare parts
The "Celtic Gas" which had sailed from Trinidad & Tobago and discharged its cargo at Santos, was found to have some permanent failures and a power failures have been presented. The vessel sailed from Santos on May 12, 2018. Already enroute to Trinidad & Tobago for loading its cargo of LPG, it experienced problems with its auxiliary engines causing breakdown on two of its auxiliary engines. Due to the problems, there was a strong suspect of problems on bunker supplied on board, not clear from which place. As a consequence the shipowners decided to stop at Sao Luis roads as a port of refuge since May 18, reducing all the consumption's from the vessel to the minimum, keeping just the essential communication and navigation equipment on. The owners have required some spare parts to resolve the problems with the auxiliary engines as well as to further check the main engine due to the suspect of bad fuel being burned. Considering the critical power condition of the vessel, on May 24 four tugs and pilot brought the vessel alongside in Itaqui, where it remained berthed since, with tugs on standby at its side, considering the lack of power to keep the mooring winches working until a power pack is supplied. A truck drivers strike around all Brazil, has increased the problems, several sectors were affected including aviation, as the truck drivers were not allowing any truck to proceed to their destination, causing lack of fuel at the airports, at the gas stations and for all Brazilian cities. For this same reason, the spare parts arrival at Sao Luis most probably was seriously affected. Authorities from the area were duly notified and following closely the ship's situation. The ship finally sailed on May 31 and berthed in Point Lisas on June 5 at 4.30 p.m.
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