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Medevac off Galveston
The US Coast Guard medevaced a 44-year-old man from the "Argent Eyebright" in the morning of June 18, 2017, about 120 miles southeast of Galveston. At 6:36 a.m., the ship’s agent of the tanker contacted Coast Guard Sector Houston-Galveston watchstanders to report that a crewmember was experiencing stroke-like symptoms and was in need of medical assistance. A Coast Guard Air Station Houston MH-65 Dolphin helicopter aircrew arrived on scene at 7:50 a.m. and hoisted the man off the tanker ship. Due to the distance from land, the helicopter crew landed on a nearby oil rig to refuel. At 10:25 a.m., the aircrew delivered the man to University of Texas Medical Medical Branch in Galveston. He was reported to be in stable condition.
Tanker grounded at Pagensand
Coming from Nordenham, the "Argent Eyebright" loaded with a cargo of palm oil ran aground on the Elbe north of Stade on Jan 30. The ship got stuck with a speed of about nine knots at the island Pagensand. The tugs "Bugsier 19", "Bugsier 20", "Fairplay 6" and the "Bützfleth" were on scene. Also the police launch "Bürgermeister Weichmann" attended. The ship was refloated at noon. The "Bugsier 18" and "Bugsier 5" which also had proceeded turned around. The tanker was escorted to Hamburg by the "Bugsier 19" and "Bugsier 20" now and berthed at NHG in the Neuhöfer Canal around 2 p.m. The grounding occurred due to a technical failure which caused the ship to sail straight ahead instead of following the curve of the river.
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