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Coolant leakage in main engine
The "Lisanna" suffered a coolant leakage in the main engine on Dec 30, 2018, at 11.30 p.m. while at anchor in position 51 41.74 N, 002 11.34 E. It took two hours to carry out the repairs. Then it resumed its voyage from Hamburg towards the Suez Canal, ETA Jan 10, 2019.
Company a.c. Ørssleff in Holte is expanding its fleet by two prevously German-owned tweendeckers that were chartered to Beluga Shipping. The two Chinese-built sister ships have 12,782 dwt and are equipped with two 120-tonne cranes each. Beluga Efficiency - is renamed Lilia, and taken over a 7-9 month long contract, while Beluga Federation - now renamed Jasper has been taken on a 12 month contract. Lilia was delivered to Orsleff last week while Jasper has just been taken over.
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