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Hostages released
The West African Hijackers have released the 65-year old engineer and the Ukrainian master of the "Althea" who were being held hostage since Dec 16, 2013. They were already on their way home. The ship had a crew of 16 Ukrainians on board when being captured 35 miles off the Guinea bight. There was no comment if a ransom was paid.
Tanker captain and chief engineer kidnapped by pirates off Nigeria
GREEK authorities report that the Ukrainian master and Greek first engineer of the 6,500-dwt Marshall Islands tanker Althea have been kidnapped after the ship came under fire off the west coast of Africa, according to London's Tanker Operator. The Greek Merchant Ministry said about 10 armed pirates boarded the tanker about 35 nautical miles south of Nigeria. Shipmanager Medtankers said its 18 officers and crew were on board, all Ukrainian except for the engineer. Pirates stole personal items from the crew and left the ship's oil cargo untouched. No injuries were reported. Source : Asian Shipper
Master and engineer kidnapped in tanker attack off Nigeria
The "Althea" has come under armed attack off the west coast of Africa late on Dec 16, 2013, and the ship's Ukrainian captain and Greek first engineer have been kidnapped. About 10 armed men boarded the tanker about 35 nautical miles south of Nigeria. The ship's management company, Medtankers, said 18 officers and crew were on board, all Ukrainian apart from the first engineer. The men were robbed of personal items but none were hurt in the overnight attack, and the ship's cargo of oil was untouched. The armed pirates fled with the two hostages in a speedboat.
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