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Medevac off Cold Bay
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced a crew member from the 'Alaska Pcean' approximately 30 miles northeast of Cold Bay, Alaska, on Feb 21, 2021. Watchstanders at the 17th District command center in Juneau received the request for the medevac from HealthForce Partners on behalf of the fishing vessel at approximately 7 p.m. for a 45-year-old crew member who suffered a crush injury to the arm. The 'Alaska Ocean' was 60 miles from Cold Bay during the initial call for help. Watchstanders directed the launch of the Jayhawk aircrew from the Forward Operating Location Cold Bay. The Jayhawk aircrew hoisted the man at approximately 10:30 p.m. and transferred him to the local Cold Bay medical clinic to wait for further transport to Anchorage.
Medevac off Coos Bay
A Coast Guard aircrew medically evacuated a 28-year-old man in the morning of Oct 18, 2019, off the ‘Alaska Ocean,’ which was operating 15-miles west of Coos Bay after he experienced chest pains and seasickness. Watchstanders at the 13th Coast Guard District Command Center were notified at 3:15 a.m. A constant communication schedule was established between the sector and the fishing vessel. At 6 a.m., after conferring with the duty flight surgeon, the sector dispatched an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew. The rescue crew arrived on scene at 9 a.m. and began hoist operations to transport the man. The aircrew brought him to the sector’s air base and taken to hospital for further care.
Medevac off Crescent City
A Coast Guard helicopter crew medevaced a crew member of the "Alaska Ocean" who had lost consciousness and was suffering from chest pain 30 miles west of Crescent City on May 19, 2015. Coast Guard Pacific Area command center watchstanders in Alameda received a phone call from the parent company of the fishing vesselshortly before 5 p.m., requesting a medevac of a 33-year-old crewmember. Watchstanders at the Coast Guard 13th District command center in Seattle received the case from Coast Guard Pacific Area and then passed control to Coast Guard Sector North Bend watchstanders, who coordinated with the duty flight surgeon who recommended the medevac. An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew from the Coast Guard Air Station North Bend, launched at 6:17 p.m., arrived on scene around 7 p.m., hoisted the man and transferred him to awaiting EMS about an hour later at Crescent City Airport. Report with video:
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