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Tug sank after collision with container ship
On March 14, 2025, at 8.30 a.m. the tug 'Westport' (IMO: 7810026) was in collision with the 'A' Idefix'' in the bay of the Port of Callao and was breached. The ship started to lost to starboard side, capsized withon short time and sank stern first. Six crew members were injured. The incident was reported to the Callao VTS, which made the necessary arrangements with the port captain's office. A Zodiac boat was deployed to the scene. Those affected were taken to the War Dock, where ambulances were waiting. A municipal ambulance transported two of them to health facilities, while units from the Peruvian Navy and the SAMU (National Emergency Medical Service) transported two others. Members of the Peruvian National Police (PNP) arrived at the scene to carry out investigations. The causes of the accident will also have to be investigated by the Peruvian Navy. The body of a man approximately 25 years old was found in the open sea near the accident site. The First Office of the Sixth Corporate Provincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Callao and the forensic team removed the body, which was then transferred to Plaza Grau. The prosecutor on duty ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death and that fingerprints be taken to identify the deceased. It should be noted that this case was not related to the accident that occurred at sea earlier on the morning, It was apparently a swimmer. Meanwhile an anti pollitioon plan was activated and containment booms were deployed in the area to prevent possible contamination. The Callao Port Authority has initiated the corresponding proceedings. Reports with photo and video: https://www.infobae.com/peru/2025/03/14/coalicion-de-buque-y-remolcador-en-el-mar-del-callao-dejo-varios-trabajadoers-heridos/ https://panamericana.pe/24horas/locales/437664-accidente-costas-callao-choque-buque-remolcador-deja-seis-tripulantes-heridos
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