Tynemouth (Hafen)
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Carrier ships left anchored off Tynemouth coast as company goes bust
Ships have been left anchored off the North East coast after their owner is believed to have gone bust. The vessels have been visible from the Tynemouth harbour for weeks, with homeowners baffled by the mystery. One resident from nearby Whitley Bay, who heard rumours of the company going bust, said: “I don’t want our coast to become a kind of dumping ground for container ships.” He added: “There are three of them a couple of miles offshore which are sitting high up in the water so it doesn’t look like they have any cargo. “I don’t know if they have a skeleton crew but they seem empty and they’ve been there for ages. “We hear a Spanish company owns them and has gone bust and people are saying they’ve been abandoned.” http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/carrier-ships-left-anchored-tynemouth-11741438
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