Leer (Hafen)
Festgemachte Schiffe

Die neuesten Nachrichten
Ferus Smit at Leer launches Nb. 434 ‘Symphony Provider’
On Thursday the 9th of March, 11.00 hrs, Ferus Smit Nb. 434 was launched in Leer, the company said in its press release. Nb. 434 is christened as ‘Symphony Provider’. She is the second in a series of two ECOBOX DP2 vessels that will be delivered to Symphony Shipping. As add-on compared to the already delivered ECOBOX design, these ships are equipped with a DP2 (Dynamic Positioning) system which keeps the vessel within an exact position or heading limits, even in the most severe wind and wave conditions.
Kalevala mit Salz gelöscht am 29,11,10
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