Kaliningrad (Hafen)
Die neuesten Nachrichten
GUR claimed responsibility for fire on Russian corvette Serpukhov in Kaliningrad
Ukraine's military intelligence directorate, the GUR, has claimed responsibility for a serious fire aboard the Russian corvette 'Serpukhov' at the port of Kaliningrad, a Buyan-M class vessel. GUR provided what appeared to be a schematic of the vessel's internal spaces, and a brief video of an incendiary device going off. The agency said that the 'Serpukhov' sustained substantial damage from the fire, with its means of communication and automation were completely destroyed. The Buyan class is designed for coastal operations and are heavily armed for their size, carrying up to eight Kalibr or Oniks antiship missiles and up to eight surface-to-air missiles. This was a deep strike behind the Russian lines. The agency's drones have hit Russian oil refineries up to 750 miles away from Ukraine's borders, and have taken approximately 14 percent of Russia's refining capacity offline. The latest strike - a claimed attack on a product pipeline - allegedly disabled all product tanker loadings at the occupied port of Azov. The GUR has also mounted a successful campaign against the Russian Black Sea Fleet, damaging or destroying a claimed one-third of its force and confining the rest to the relative safety of Novorossiysk. The sister ship 'Velykyi' Ustyug was likely damaged by a Ukrainian drone early in the Russian invasion. In June 2022 the 'Ustyug' was photographed in tow to a shipyard, showing signs of fragmentation damage along her port side. Report with video: https://maritime-executive.com/article/ukrainian-spy-agency-claims-it-lit-a-fire-on-a-russian-corvette
Rosmorport announces open tender for maintenance dredging at Kaliningrad seaway canal
FSUE Rosmorport has announced an open tender to select a contractor for the maintenance dredging at Kaliningrad seaway canal in the navigation period of 2015-2016, the company says. According to the tender materials, initial price is RUB 434,420,000 (VAT included)
LNG terminal in Kaliningrad to have annual capacity of 2.1 mln t
Annual capacity of an LNG terminal planned for construction in the Kaliningrad Region will make 2.1 mln, IAA PortNews journalist cites Viktor Vovk, Deputy head of Rosmorrechflot (Federal Marine and River Transport Agency), as saying at the 7th Inter Baltic Transport Forum in Kaliningrad. http://en.portnews.ru/news/206280/
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