Helsingor (Hafen)
Festgemachte Schiffe
Ausgelaufene Schiffe
Die neuesten Nachrichten
Per Stig Møller, the Danish Minister for Culture, officially inaugerated the construction start of a new National Maritime Museum at Helsingør on Friday last week. The museum will be placed at the former 140 meter long drydock at Helsingør Shipyard, which has been redesigned by the architect company BIG, Copenhagen. The museum will open in 2012. The museum is presently located at the Kronoborg Castle which is situated near the town of Helsingør on the northeasten tip of Zealand. The National Maritim Museum has been located at Kronborg since 1915. Source: Shipgaz news, http://www.shipgaz.com/news/top20/top2_news.php
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