Zhongshan (Hafen)

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Zhongshan (Guangdong) port to start dramatic dredging works
The port of Zhongshan is laying the groundwork to switch from being an inland player to a facility attracting ocean-going ships. The Guangdong port will start dramatic reclamation and dredging works that will last up to five years. Once completed new berths will be built to the east of where Zhongshan’s terminals are currently based that will be able to handle ships of up to 50,000 dwt, far larger than today’s 5,000 dwt limit. At present, there are three 5,000 dwt class terminals, five 3,000 dwt ones and eleven berths handling ships in between 1,000 and 2,000 dwt. Zhongshan’s decision to upgrade its facilities comes soon after Nansha, located 54km south of Guangzhou city centre, announced plans to build a further 30 berths. [12/07/12]
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