Maracaibo (Hafen)
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Army Takes Over Operation of Ports to Protect Venezuela''s Supplies
Caracas, Jul 12 (Prensa Latina) The National Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB in Spanish) took control of ports, warehouses and industries after the start yesterday of a new operation to supply Venezuela with food and other essential products. According to the Governor of Zulia, Francisco Areas Cardenas, with this plan, which President Nicolas Maduro has called Great Mission for Sovereign Supply, the product safety will be ensured. In Zulia, in this first operation, the Armed Forces monitored the arrival at the Maracaibo port of three ships, one with 16.000 tons of food, medicines and hygiene products. Another ship from Panama arrived in Maracaibo port with 482 containers of hardware items, tires, textiles and electrical appliances. From Anzoategui state (over 200 kilometers east of Caracas), the head of the Strategic Region for the Integral Defense (Redi in Spanish), Major General Sergio Rivero said that forces under his command already began the inspection of food companies.
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