Lelystad (Hafen)
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Fire on accomodation ship
The Dutch flagged accomodation ship "MPS Element", 141 ts (ENI-No.: 2202243) caught fire in the Lorentz Port of Harderwijk at Lelystad in the evening of Oct 31, 2016. The fire broke out in the engine room while the ship was berthed at the Kelvin St. and spread from there. At the time of the fire 20 persons of Polish nationality were having a party on board. Three persons were injured and treated by three ambulances. Several fire brigades were alerted. The fire was brought under control with lots of foam at 11 p.m. The ship was heavily damaged. Dutch reports with photos and video: http://www.destentor.nl/regio/harderwijk/drie-gewonden-bij-brand-op-partyschip-mps-element-zeewolde-1.6595890 http://www.112inbeeld.nl/page/Nieuwsdetail/36767/passagiers-op-tijd-van-boord-bij-brand-op-passagiersschip http://www.omroepflevoland.nl/nieuws/141132/zeewolde-drie-gewonden-bij-brand-op-hotelschip http://www.omroepgelderland.nl/nieuws/2120033/Brand-op-passagiersschip-in-Harderwijk-onder-controle]Brand op passagiersschip in Harderwijk onder controle
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