1720 days ago
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Crew of sunken trawler isolated in hotel
The 39 Korean and Indonesian crew members of the 'Sur Este 709' were accommodated in a central hotel in downtown Montevideo, but without an order to stay in their rooms. Upon arrival at the hotel, it was noticed that the seafarers were walking through the lobby without receiving clear orders for isolation. Most of them do not speak Spanish or English, however, the hotel staff prevented one of them from approaching. Since they were evacuated from the ship, a bus with the authorization of Maritime Health and Migrations was hired, and they were directed directly to the hotel. The entire crew made a fever test and put on face masks for the trip and to move inside the hotel. Based on the first controls, none of the crew showed symptoms of coronavirus or any other disease. They cannot leave the hotel, although they are not isolated in their rooms. A restaurant provided lunch and dinner. Communication with hotel staff was through an Asian citizen who works as a translator and works for the fishing company.
Fish factory on fire
On June 23, 2020, around noon a fire broke out in the fish processing compartment of the 'Sur Este 709', which was berthed at the Montecon Container Terminal in Montevideo. The crew and those from nearby vessels were evacuated. 20 firefighters responded to the blaze. The tug 'Banco Ortiz' and the SAR boat 'Salvamento Isla de Flores' attended too. There was a threat of the four tons ammonia exploding. The ship was later towed away from pier 6 in northern direction towards the bay of Montevideo where it was anchored. Tugs started fighting the fire from outside. They managed to decrease the intensity of the flames and the emanation of smoke as the combustible materials that were affecting the fire were burnt. Fire fighting and cooling attempts continued throughout the night. Reports with photos and video:
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