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Trawler sank off Port Louis
The "Hen Jhen Yi" which had caught fire in the night of March 13 and was towed two miles off Port Louise, sank north of the port after drifting 38 miles. Patrols conducted by the National Coast Guard (NCG) indicated no fuel leaks. The ship had on board 50 tons of bunkers received from the "Evergold" as it was to set sail for a fishing campaign on March 14. French report with photo: http://ionnews.mu/en-feu-il-y-a-quinze-jours-le-hen-jhen-yi-a-coule-a-40-miles-nautiques-de-port-louis-28032019/
Fire reignited
A second fire started on the "He Jhen Yi" in the afternoon of March 15. Smoke was again seen latein the day. The authorities took care of the situation, since the ship was fpir nautical miles from the waters of Port Louis. There is no danger and everything was under control. The first fire started on the night of March 14 around 2:30 a.m. An investigation will be conducted to see if the ship can be saved or it will sink or after cleaning will be scuttled on the northern shore at the dive sites for tourists. French report with photo: https://www.defimedia.info/le-feu-repris-sur-hijhenji-le-chalutier-taiwanais
Longliner on fire
On March 14, 2019, the "He Jhen Hi" caught fire at quay 3 in Port-Louis. 50 tons fuel oil were pumped from the ship after the fire broke out around 2.30 a.m. The operation continued to remove 30 tons of fuel remaining, the vessel having been refueled before its scheduled departure this day. The tugs of the Mauritius Port Authority then pulled it to Bain des Dames at Sable Noir, where it was still burning. The decision was made to allow the fire to burn out. The 13 crew members were able to leave the ship in time and were safe and sound. The origin of the fire was not known for the time being. French reports with photos and video: http://ionnews.mu/tag/he-jhen-yi/ https://topfmradio.com/media-center/news/incendie-sur-le-he-jhen-yi-le-feu-eclate-sur-le-bateau-alors-quil-etait-dans-le-port https://www.afropages.fr/presse-afrique/le-mauricien/le-port-un-bateau-tawanais-en-feu-ce-matin https://www.zinfos-moris.com/Un-bateau-taiwanais-en-feu-au-large-de-Port-Louis_a5049.html https://www.lexpress.mu/node/349204
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