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Trawler sank after fire
On Jan 24 at 4.21 Up.m. the “Petit Roger Christian” sank 14 miles off Sète on a water depth of 85 meters after the fire had gutted the wooden hull. The trawler "Louis-Gaetane II“, which had been four miles away rescued the skipper Thomas Liguori and his crew of two who were adrift in a distance of 500 meters in a dinghy. A Dragon 34 helicopter hovered overhead until theey were safe. One hour later the “Louis-Gaetane II“ dropped the castaways off at Sète . The SNSM lifeboat "Amiral Leenhardt” carried fire fighters to the blazing trawler, but it was too late to douse the fire. The sinking wreck was monitored until it had foundered four hours after the outbreak of the fire. French reports with photos: http://www.midilibre.fr/2018/01/25/sete-un-drame-de-la-mer-evite-de-peu,1618672.php http://www.lemarin.fr/secteurs-activites/peche/30510-le-petit-roger-christian-coule-au-large-de-sete
Trawler on fire off Sète
The "Petit Roger Christian" caught fire 14 miles miles off Sète on Jan 24, 2017. At 1.15 p.m. the SNSM lifeboat "Amiral Leenardt" was en route with firefighters onboard to assess the condition of the boat. The crew of three has saved themselves into a liferaft. At the same time, the freighter "Evedoki-L" diverted to the scene of the fire as well as two other trawlers. One trawler, the "Louis Gaetane II", was heading to the port of Sète where a team of firefighters was waiting to embark. A Dragon 34 helicopter of the civil security was sent for tracking to the burning ship. French report with photo: http://www.midilibre.fr/2018/01/24/un-chalutier-en-feu-repere-au-large-de-sete-les-secours-en-route,1618173.php
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