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Two injured in collision off Warnemünde
In the early morning of June 20, 2013, the "Wisby Verity" was in collision with the commuter ferry "Warnow" (CS: DQGR; built 1995)on the Breitling in Warnemünde. The 38-m-ferry which may carry 150 passengers and 25 cars was underway with six passengers and one car aboard from Warnemünde to Hohe Düne (High Dune) and was avoiding a Scandlines ferry just entering the port of Rostock when the tanker and the communter ferry crashed in the Rostock Sea Canal. Two women aboard the "Warnow" were injured and taken to the Bodden Hospital Ribnitz-Damgarten. The ferry suffered a large leak. The tanker was advised to remain on Rostock anchorage for investigations. Ferry service between Warnemünde and Hohe Düne suffered delays due to the reduction of ferry capacity. German reports with photos and video: http://www.ostsee-zeitung.de/Region-Rostock/Rostock/Tanker-rammt-Warnow-Faehre http://www.ndr.de/regional/mecklenburg-vorpommern/kollision135.html
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