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Barnacle covered bulker stopped from entering Fiji waters too
Also the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) has stopped the "DL Marigold" from entering Fijian waters after it was ordered to leave New Zealand on Mar 5. Dense fouling of barnacles and tube worms were discovered on the hull, posing the invasive threat of an unwanted marine species. The ships crew signalled its intention to sail to Fiji to clean the vessel before returning to New Zealand to finish unloading its cargo of palm kernel feed for dairy cows. But the authority said it had notified the vessel's India-based agents, Campbell Shipping, that the "DL Marigold" would not be allowed to enter Fijian waters to clean its hull. The ship had docked in Tauranga on 4 March after sailing from Indonesia and had been scheduled to stay for nine days. It was the first time an international vessel had been ordered to leave a New Zealand port for biofouling reasons.
Bulkcarrier expelled from port
The "DL Marigold" with part of cargo of palm kernel expeller still on board was ordered to leave Tauranga after Ministry for Primary Industries divers found dense clusters of barnacles and tube worms on the hull and other underwater surfaces. The vessel headed to Fiji for cleanin before returning to New Zealand to finish discharging. It was the first time the ministry has ordered an international vessel to leave a New Zealand port for biofouling reasons. New rules will require all international vessels to arrive in New Zealand with a clean hull from May 2018. Until then, the ministry can take action in cases of severe biofouling. Biofouling on vessel hulls is considered a threat to New Zealand's marine resources. The vessel arrived in Tauranga on Mar 4, 2017 from Indonesia and left bound to Suva-Fiji Mar 5, ETA Mar 10.
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